We have selectively partnered with Top Tier Tech Companies who have a network of verified vendors that uphold a trusted process to fulfill your request from an E-Commerce purchase through MyGizmoLife.Tech (including subsidiaries) .

3rd-Party Vendor Return Policy


Third-party sellers must either provide a return address within the United States, a prepaid return label, or offer a full refund without requesting the item be returned. If a seller does not offer these methods to return your items, you may file an A-to-z Guarantee claim to seek help with your return.

If you are sending the item within the United States and the order is valued at $100 or more, insure the shipment for the value of the merchandise and ship your return with a signature shipping service. Items valued over $35 must be returned to the seller with a trackable shipping service. For items below $35, we suggest USPS delivery confirmation service. If a package doesn’t arrive and you don’t use a trackable method to return or if you refuse the shipment as a method of return, we may not be able to cover you under the A-to-z Guarantee.


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